Friday, March 02, 2007

Barack Obama speaking before the war in 2002

He got it right......because he is smart, well read, has common sense, and thinks to the future before acting.....


Anonymous Anonymous said...

What would Obama have done about the situation then which included:

- Saddam still blocking inspections up to the moment of Bush launching the major retaliatioon 5 years ago
- Saddam stockpiling 500 WMD which have only been found since the invasion
- Saddam funding international terrorism, hosting and aiding terrorist organizations, and running the largest terrorist army in the world.
- The tens of thousands of people who died each year because Saddam denied them food and medicine.
- The numerous acts-of-war being Saddma ordering attacks on allied patrols
- The numerous other cease-fire violations
- The lesson of 9-11 that you don't let terrorists keep attacking you without doing something about it.

If he had said he would have done nothing, then he admits that he is totally writing off the very idea of foreing policy. If he claims Saddam was not a problem, he would have been a liar. If he had claimed he would solve the problem with "negotiations", he would be stupid (Saddam never responded to negotiations other than as a successful stalling tactic).

If he claims (as he does now), that he will withdraw all troops in 2009 without a requirement for victory, then he is not qualified to make decisions on this or any other foreign policy. However, I welcome his plans for completely defeating the remaining terrorists in Iraq quickly: the only situation under which any withdrawal is sane.

7:30 PM  

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