Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Levin and Stabenow are not yet committed on Net Neutrality

I know I am hammering on this subject, but the freedom of the internet highway is at stake.
Please go to this site, and send Levin a Stabenow a message on how important this is to Michigan:
Michigan families, Michigan jobs, Michigan freedom of information, Michigan education.

Ask them these questions ( from the site below)

1. Do you support Network Neutrality — the principle that guarantees that all Web sites and services are treated equally on the Internet?
2. Can we count on you to take a stand against giant phone and cable companies and oppose Senator Ted Stevens' telecommunications bill (H.R. 5252) unless stronger Net Neutrality protections are added?
3. Will you make a pledge today to personally guarantee that Net Neutrality is a part of any future telecommunications legislation?

For a simple way to express yourself, and learn more go to:


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