Wednesday, April 12, 2006

States are moving toward single-payer health insurance

Our federal government is not able to move directly into universal single-payer health care. To get to universal coverage, the states should lead the way, and they are. Massachusetts has been in the news lately, but true single payer plans are being explored in at least 18 states. Most use a "single-payer" model. These states include: California, Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, Hawaii, Kansas, Illinois, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Missouri, New Hampshire, New York, Ohio, Oklahoma, Rhode Island, and Vermont.
"This approach consolidates all payers - Medicare, Medicaid, state programs and private insurers - into a single administrative structure, with the state (or federal) government handling payments....."

States Lead the Way

Thus far in 2006, at least seven states are considering universal health care systems and seven other states have commissioned studies to look at the possibility of such a system."  
Tables listing all bills, and their status, and commissioned studies appear in a table at this site:
Universal Coverage Bills

Let's get onboard in Michigan!


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