An excellent blog imagining what the Founding Fathers Would Say about the actions of the Bush Administration
A reader pointed out this excellent essay to be found at Glenn Greenwald's blog
What would the Founders say?
Using quotes from the Founding Fathers, his contributor asks questions such as "We are told we should trust that the President will not abuse the unchecked powers he claims to have." And answers with a quote and link to Thomas Jefferson's
" Bill for a More General Diffusion of Knowledge" (1778)
Well worth reading and remembering.
I was unable to link direct to the essay, just look to the essays in the left column and click on the essay link.
What would the Founders say?
Using quotes from the Founding Fathers, his contributor asks questions such as "We are told we should trust that the President will not abuse the unchecked powers he claims to have." And answers with a quote and link to Thomas Jefferson's
" Bill for a More General Diffusion of Knowledge" (1778)
Well worth reading and remembering.
I was unable to link direct to the essay, just look to the essays in the left column and click on the essay link.
one of my favorite parts of this article is as follows:
The administration claims that the provisions of FISA are a burden, that it needed to violate FISA to protect us.
Thomas Jefferson writing to Archibald Stuart in 1791 answered:
I would rather be exposed to the inconveniences attending too much liberty than those attending too small a degree of it.
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